I am Chantelle... I try to live each day with optimism, passion and hope for another awesome tomorrow. Living a balanced life, filled with things I love, is what I work towards every day.

So... what do I love? Well, I love my art & my work, being with my family and friends (who also happens to be mostly my family), watching my son grow into an amazing little human, baking (yum), golf, fishing, being outdoors, traveling...

My Background

I grew up in the suburbs of Chicago. I was an athlete and artist who took my golf skills and passion all the way to Eugene, OR to be a Duck... that lasted a year before I realized that the headstrong 17 year old was stronger with her family nearby. I headed to Northern Illinois for a year and then returned to playing golf and pursuing design and fine art at Lewis University, where I would graduate with a BFA in Painting and Graphic Design.

My first job out of school was with Millward Brown, where I would meet my husband, and best friend. From there I found myself in multiple design positions, with various associated marketing and design firms. I also spent quite a few years coaching Lewis University Women's Golf aside from the daily grind. Currently I'm part of a challenging but kick ass in-house team, where we collaborate and innovate in a very traditional and sometimes difficult product category.


My Creative Process

Graduate work has been an incredible journey for me. A deep dive into the profession of graphic design, what it truly means and how I embrace those elements. Developing and revisiting the creative process is something that gets lost over time. Reflections, observations and the process of making art is unique and demanding. It involves research, communication and attention in detail. Rediscovering my process was eye opening. I'd never thought to put it on paper... and I'm anxious to see how this changes over the years. This is very basic but I think is worth sharing.